children's ministry
infant-5th grade

- We believe that the most important relationship we will ever have is with Jesus.
- We believe children are important and they matter.
- We believe that if a child decides to follow Jesus at a young age it could change the trajectory of their lives in a profound way.
At Calvary Kids, our goal is to partner with parents in helping our children develop a relationship with Jesus that lasts a lifetime. Like the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13, Luke 8, and Mark 4), a deep and lasting relationship is created when seeds are planted in good soil.
Through solid biblical teaching and strong connections with others, Calvary Kids seeks to be a nurturing environment where children can hear the Word of God and let it form deep roots in their hearts.
Calvary Kids meets during service for children ages infant through grade 5. Children grades K-5 join us in the sanctuary for our Family Service, the first Sunday of the month. During this service, we celebrate communion together.
Learn more about our curriculum and how we teach through the Bible in three years.
Do you want to be a part of changing lives?
We always welcome committed adults who enjoy kids and love Jesus to come alongside us in serving our children. Interested? Volunteer!